Rest in Gorny Altai for the New Year - 2021


Tips on how to relax for the New Year - 2021 in Gorny Altai. Prices for hotels and cottages, food, entertainment, tours. Reviews of tourists and information about the weather.

The developed infrastructure of the Gorny Altai resorts will allow not only to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, but also to have a great winter vacation. The inhabitants of megalopolises, exhausted by the bustle of the city, are happy to plunge into the natural beauty of the region, here they are waiting for mountain peaks covered with snow, lakes covered with ice and crystal clear air.

How is New Year celebrated in Altai?

Tourists prefer to celebrate the New Year on recreation centers... The main year-round camp sites of Gorny Altai are concentrated in the region of the Katun River, Lake Teletskoye, Belukha Mountain and Lake Aya. In winter, skating rinks are opened here for guests, trails and training slopes for skiing are equipped. The equipped ski complex is in special demand among vacationers. Manzherok, where you can go skiing and snowboarding, and Lake Teletskoye and the Katun River are considered the most visited tourist places in the region. Also not so far (about 300 km from the Manzherok complex) is the popular ski resort Sheregesh.

On New Year's Eve, the Altai recreation centers promise a fun program with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, fireworks and dances. The gala dinner includes traditional Russian cuisine and champagne. As a brunch on January 1st - steaming ear and birthday cake.

Thus, the tourist complex "Manzherok" usually offers a four-day tour with an entertainment and excursion program, costing from 30 thousand rubles. for two. Guests will find a Russian steam room, horseback riding, skiing and ice sledding, snow volleyball and a New Year's banquet with a disco. To celebrate the New Year almost at home with a traditional Russian feast, a bathhouse and winter entertainments, the Katun and Teletskoye Lake hostels offer.

Holidays in Altai for the New Year can be extreme: for example, you can spend holidays at the foot of the Ukok plateau, in a cozy village among the mountains. The daredevils will have a trip along the entire Chuisky tract and an expedition to the passes. Such tours will require physical endurance and frost resistance; in some years, temperatures on the plateau drop below -45 ° C.

Another option is to rent a house in Altai and celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Some owners are willing to rent accommodation to tourists, it is usually cheaper than hotels.

What to do on vacation in Gorny Altai for the New Year?

Gorny Altai is suitable primarily for outdoor enthusiasts: after meeting the new 2021, you can master ski and hiking routes, ride sleds, dog sleds, jeeps and snowmobiles. There are a lot of fish in the local lakes, so winter fishing enthusiasts have something to do here too.

Both in winter and in summer, excursions are held in Gorny Altai: Lake Teletskoye, Mount Belukha, waterfalls and caves, the Katun River and the Chuisky tract. Tourists love to visit Swan Lake, where wild swans winter (there are several viewing platforms organized there). In Chemal, a temple on the island of Patmos is open for year-round visits. The village of Manzherok has observation decks with excellent views of the mountainous region.

A museum of Russian culture was opened in the Chemalsky district on New Year's holidays. Excursions and master classes are held here daily. In the bison nursery near the village of Cherga, you can see these amazing animals that willingly come to the feeders and take bread.

What to see in Altai: TOP-25 attractions >>

Weather in Gorny Altai in winter

The most comfortable time for rest in Gorny Altai is summer, however, there are many who wish to celebrate the New Year. Winter is quite severe here, comes in November and lasts until the end of March, the temperature range in January varies from -9 ° С to -31 ° С. The coldest places are the famous Ukok plateau and the Kurai depression. The most comfortable holidays for the New Year are in such regions of Altai as Chemal, Bele and Yaylyu, where the average air temperature is -10 ° С. In the south of Lake Teletskoye it is several degrees warmer than in the north, but in its northern part there is twice as much snow.

Prices in Altai for the New Year - 2021

Yurts are exotic types of housing, popular among tourists in summer, but in winter they turn out to be unsuitable for living. In conditions of low temperatures, it is very difficult to heat them, therefore, so that you do not have to celebrate the holiday in a bathhouse, it is better to rent something more fundamental.

The cost of living in cottages for the New Year in Gorny Altai varies from 3 to 25 thousand rubles per day per house. The price is determined by the number of residents, there are options for 4, 8 and 16 people. A double room with two meals a day will cost from 4500 rubles per day, a standard room for two without meals in a modest guest house can be found from 1000 rubles.

On average, 3.5 thousand per person will be asked for organizing a festive banquet, discounts are provided for children. The cost of a regular (non-holiday) lunch in a cafe is 300-500 rubles per person. Snowmobile rental - 2-3 thousand per hour, sauna - 200-400 rubles. per hour, spa services - from 800 rubles.

Houses, cottages and recreation centers in Altai

Tourists in Altai prefer to settle in recreation centers and cottages: for example, the popular recreation centers "Zaimka Kamza" in Tyuguryuk, "AltaiRai" in Elekmonar and the park-hotel "Manzherok" on the banks of the Katun River. Accommodation directly in the new year 2021 costs from 2,000 rubles per day for two. We recommend searching and booking accommodation in advance on and Rumguru - there you can compare options and read reviews.

Tours to Altai for the New Year - 2021

Buy a New Year's tour to Gorny Altai (Belokurikha resort) with departure from Moscow On December 28, it is possible from 63 thousand rubles for two (3 * hotel, 5-6 nights, no meals), with a departure on December 31 - from 80 thousand rubles. After the New Year - 2021 tours to Altai will cost from 70 thousand rubles.

We recommend looking for tours on the Travelata service, which will help you find the cheapest tours among all popular tour operators.

Vacation reviews

Celebrating the New Year in Gorny Altai is still a luxury for the average resident of Russia. The prices for vacations are not encouraging with their modesty, besides the remoteness of the region from the central regions and the harsh climate limit the tourist flow in winter. While this resort is more in demand among residents of the nearest regions - Novosibirsk and Barnaul.

The service is also lame: tourists write about cool houses, which, however, is not surprising at -30 ° C, and about weak animation. The only thing that will not disappoint is the natural beauty of Gorny Altai, the air here is such that you want to drink it. And in order for the holiday to be a success and the whole next year, you need very little - warm clothes, a little bit of mood and a cheerful company.

Prices are current at the time of writing the review.
