Hikkaduwa (Sri Lanka) - beaches, reviews, hotels, weather


Are you dreaming of spending an active vacation in Sri Lanka? Go on vacation to one of the island's most popular resorts for surfers and divers - Hikkaduwa! Find out about weather conditions, hotels, entertainment, tour prices and tourist reviews.

Weather in Hikkaduwa

Sri Lanka has a monsoon climate. From early summer to October, it rains almost every day. From November to April, the high season begins: the showers stop and the air humidity becomes less. During the day, the temperature rises to +31 ... + 32 ° С, and at night it drops to +24 ... + 25 ° С. Precipitation is rare, and there is almost no storm at sea.

The weather changes in mid-April. There comes a short period of off-season, when there are almost no winds over Sri Lanka. The air heats up to +34 ... + 35 ° С, and due to the high humidity, rest in Hikkaduwa becomes uncomfortable.

In the low season from June to October, connoisseurs of deserted beaches, surfers and those who want to relax at an affordable price come to Hikkaduwa. The benefit is obvious - compared to the high season, prices for tours, hotels and excursions are reduced by almost a third.

Weather in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka during the holiday season

day air t, ° Сwater t, ° С

Advice... In low season, due to storms, a warning red flag is often erected on beaches. To be guaranteed to swim every day, choose a hotel with a pool.

Map of resorts and beaches of Sri Lanka

Beaches in Hikkaduwa

The history of the resort began in the 1960s with a hippie beach holiday. During this time, Hikkaduwa in Sri Lanka has developed into a modern city with excellent infrastructure for a beach holiday.

Today there are two main beaches. Hikkaduwa Beach is one of the most built-up in Sri Lanka. Hotels, restaurants and shops line the narrow strip of sand as a solid wall. Due to the rocky bottom, the sea is transparent and has a pleasant bluish color.

Many people choose the wide sandy beach of Narigama with a gentle entrance to the water. There are always waves in Hikkaduwa, since the resort is not located in a wind-protected bay, but on the open ocean.

Advice... Go to the small beach lagoon next to the Hikka Tranz by Cinnamon 4 * hotel. Every day from early morning until 15: 00-16: 00 large turtles come here, you can feed them and take pictures for free.

Prices for holidays in Hikkaduwa

According to reviews, the cost of rest in Hikkaduwa is one of the most democratic in Sri Lanka. A voucher for two for 7 days with a flight from Moscow will cost from 76 thousand rubles, and for accommodation in a 4 * and 5 * hotel - from 106 thousand rubles. Prices for all-inclusive tours start at 146 thousand rubles, so most vacationers choose cheaper options with breakfast.

The nearest airport to the resort is 127 km away in Colombo. Flights for 1 person from Moscow and back cost from 25 thousand rubles. Double room in a 1 * and 2 * hotel - $ 10-12, and in a 5 * hotel - from $ 130.

Food prices in Sri Lanka are quite affordable. Lunch for two at an institution for Sri Lankans will cost $ 2-4, and dinner at a restaurant for tourists, excluding the cost of drinks, is from $ 15-20.

Advice... Buy vegetables and fruits at local markets, where prices are 20-30% lower than in supermarkets. Just don't forget to bargain!

Hikkaduwa hotels in Sri Lanka

Look for hotels with discounts on Rumguru. Here are the main rules for finding hotels.

The resort has accommodation of varying levels of comfort - from large hotel complexes to small family hotels, which are designed for 5-10 rooms. According to reviews, hotels in Hikkaduwa, as in other resorts in Sri Lanka, are clean. The staff is polite, helpful and always ready to respond to the request of the guests. There are always restaurants, cafes, shops and souvenir shops near 4-5 * hotels.

Tourists recommend good hotels in Hikkaduwa:

  • Sapphire Seas Beachfront 3 *
  • Hotel Finlanka 3 *
  • Refresh Hotel Hikkaduwa 3 *
  • Citrus Hikkaduwa 4 *
  • Coral Sands Hotel 4 *
  • KAI Hikkaduwa 4 *
  • Avenra Beach Hikkaduwa 5 *
  • Villa Ronnaduwa 5 *
  • Riff Hikkaduwa 5 *

Advice... Choose budget accommodation carefully. If the apartment is near a carriageway, the room will be noisy.

Excursions and entertainment in Hikkaduwa

Look for author's interesting excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster sites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

Most tourists have a great time on the beaches. They walk along the sea, feed turtles, shop in shops and have fun in nightlife bars and clubs. A few hundred meters from the coast there is a coral reserve, where more than 70 species of colorful corals grow. This is the mecca of divers.

Sea fishing is popular in Hikkaduwa. To go on it, it is enough to negotiate with the locals and sail over the reefs in a motor boat. Especially catchy for tuna and barracuda is the time from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning.

Connoisseurs of silence and local exoticism drop into Buddhist temples to listen to the monks' mantras. Vacationers enjoy walking along the water surface of the large Hikkaduwa Lake, where many species of waterfowl nest.

Find out: What to bring from Sri Lanka.

According to tourists' reviews, excursions to natural and historical monuments of Sri Lanka are popular from Hikkaduwa:

  • turtle farm - $ 2.5;
  • beaches in the south of Sri Lanka - $ 34;
  • waterfall Adahalena Ella - $ 50;
  • tea plantations and the temple of the Tooth of Buddha - $ 95;
  • trip to Kandy - $ 80;
  • Udawalawe park - $ 45.

Those who like active rest choose:

  • underwater diving - from $ 70;
  • river safari by motor boat - $ 50;
  • surf schools, lesson - $ 12-25;
  • yoga, lesson 1.5 hours - $ 10.

Advice... Vacationers recommend not to overpay travel agencies, but to go to Colombo by public transport or taxi and independently explore the sights of the Sri Lankan capital.

Find out: What to see in Sri Lanka.

Reviews of tourists about the rest in Hikkaduwa

Almost all holidaymakers speak positively about the resort. They recommend it to their friends and are eager to return to Sri Lanka again. According to tourists' reviews, vacation in Hikkaduwa in 2021 has a lot pluses:

  • The city is easily accessible from Colombo Airport.
  • The resort is good at any time of the year and caters to tourists with different needs.
  • Hikkaduwa has excellent infrastructure. It is easy to solve any problems on the spot - there are shops, workshops, ateliers and training centers.
  • Excellent conditions for diving and surfing lovers.
  • You can watch sea turtles and even swim with them.

Read other tourist reviews about Sri Lanka.


  • Throughout the development along the coast, there is a busy road that connects Colombo and Galle.
  • Lots of annoying merchants and barkers on the beaches.
  • Frequent guests on the streets of the town are half-impoverished vagabonds and beggars.
